Our Story

Network 153 is a nonprofit organization committed to international outreach. Our goal is to network with different cultures, at home and abroad, exposing them to the love of Jesus Christ through teaching and personal interaction.
Our message was forged in the fiery experiences of following our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Our name is based on
Jesus’ interaction with His disciples after His resurrection in John 21:1-11. When acting in obedience to His commands, the catch was great. Their nets (i.e. “network”) did not tear and were filled with 153 fish. Hence the name was given to us by the Lord; Network 153. Hosting, directing, and teaching numerous exchange students in both short and long-term programs over many years has helped prepare us for our cross-cultural mission.
Shelley is a retired Parent Educator within our public school system. Being a mother of five children, and a grandmother of multiple grandchildren, she has been blessed with priceless knowledge and a discerning spirit.
After 25 years as a tool designer, the Lord called me out of my profession in 2004 to follow Him and live a life of faith. Being a husband, father, grandfather, spiritual teacher and speaker has all added to an experiential knowledge of outreach to others. I have also become the author of many Christian books, articles, and Bible studies which can be downloaded or read for free on this website.
Our Life-Changing Experience on January 19, 2004, Shelley experienced a major stroke at the age of 44 that almost claimed her life. A couple of months later, the Lord called me to leave my job as a tool designer to work full-time for Him. I have written about our life-changing experience in my book The Resurrected Bride. After this traumatic moment, the Lord began to reveal His heart to us regarding the condition of His Bride, declaring that He was going to resurrect her also, as He did with Shelley, through “difficult circumstances.” Through this, and much more, we have been entrusted with a trumpet-like ministry to awaken the sleeping Bride.
Through numerous revelations, we have been called to help her prepare her heart by faith for the imminent return of her Heavenly Bridegroom, Jesus Christ. The days ahead for our nation, as well as the entire world, are going to be extremely difficult. Their purpose is to bring in the final harvest of souls on earth and to purify and prepare the chosen Bride of Christ. At the end of this age, we must listen to what the Holy Spirit is directing us to do. The Lord will finish what He began, His way, through His obedient servants that hear His present call to cleanse their hearts by faith in preparation for what is about to occur. Obedience to prepare allows us to be part of the great “network” of the Lord that will be joined together by the Holy Spirit, rather than a personality or denomination.
Our prayer is that the revelation of His truth in this time would be used to stir you with a fresh determination to submit to the Holy Spirit’s leading in your life and to walk in holiness and purity in preparation to meet the Lord. Praise the Lord who always leads us in His triumph, and for the great things He is accomplishing in our day for His name’s sake!
Serving Jesus Christ, Tim Bauer