Featured Book
The Resurrected Bride
This book has been on my heart since the days I sat in the Intensive Care Unit of the hospital where my wife, Shelley, lay, miraculously recovering from her stroke in late January 2004. One sleepless night in Shelley’s room I heard the Holy Spirit say, “You’re going to write a book about this.” At that time, besides some simple journaling, I had never written much of anything. Throughout the weeks of Shelley’s rehabilitation and recovery, the Lord began to share His heart with me regarding the current condition of His Bride. He revealed much concerning her purification and preparation before His return. I also received a revelation regarding the final revival of her in America that will affect the entire world. It was revealed to me that though she appeared in our nation to be almost dead, as with Shelley, she too will be resurrected through the difficult circumstances that she will encounter. The reason the darkness has increased with lightning speed across our land is because of the absence of light coming through God’s people. The issue at hand is not the ungodly in the world, but the ungodly in the church. We need to repent of our dead religion and useless rituals. This writing began about one year after Shelley’s stroke. A short time later, after hitting a wall where I wasn’t receiving any direction from the Holy Spirit on what to write next, I laid this book aside. It idly sat for the next fourteen years while I wrote other books. In January of 2019, the Lord began to stir my heart that it was now time to finish this one. As I spent time with the Lord, new revelations came to me that have been added to the older ones. This exhortation was birthed out of the extremely difficult times the Lord placed our family in. The fiery trials that we are all now experiencing will be used to purify and prepare the chosen Bride of Christ before His glorious return. Our prayer is that as you read you would be deeply moved by the Lord to draw close to Him while the door of His mercy remains open. May the Holy Spirit place within you a fresh determination to submit to His leading in your life, and to walk in holiness and purity in preparation to meet our Heavenly Bridegroom, Jesus Christ, without shame. I want to thank our five children who have been through this with us. It's part of your training to lead you into a deeper walk and trust in the Lord. Always keep your eyes fixed on Him, continually submitting to His Lordship over you. Mom and I are very proud of you for all your continued support to us and growth in the Lord. His promise to me years ago concerning your walks with Him will be accomplished. His hands are on all of your lives. We praise the Lord for the great things He has done in our lives, and will continue to do for His name's sake. May our story and the revelations from the Lord that were given to us be used for His glory. “Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing... Great and marvelous are Thy works, O Lord God, the Almighty; Righteous and true are Thy ways, Thou King of the nations. Who will not fear, O Lord, and glorify Thy name? For Thou alone art holy; For all the nations will come and worship before Thee, For Thy righteous acts have been revealed.” (Revelation 5:12, 15:3-4/NASU) In His name and for His glory, Tim Bauer
See what's inside The Resurrected Bride
Read The Resurrected Bride
God's Last Offer to the Church
In Memory This book is dedicated to my brother-in-law, Dale G. Goorhouse. After a two-year fight with cancer, he entered the presence of Jesus Christ on February 25, 1984. On the night of his showing, I was confronted by the Holy Spirit with a deep conviction of my lost condition. Not being able to sleep, I stood outside in the middle of a cold wintery night in Michigan and surrendered my life to the Lord. I look forward to the day when Dale and I will be reunited in the glorious presence of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. To God be the glory!
Many Are Called,
But Few Are Chosen
As we near the end of this age, a call is going out from God to His children to gather for the wedding feast. Many who have previously been given an invitation are not listening. These are Christians who began the race but will not stand firm until the end so as to be saved (Math. 10:22; 24:12-13). They have become entangled again with the things of this world and are among those counted in the great apostasy right before the return of Christ (2 Thessalonians 2:3).
Jesus shared a parable in Matthew 22 regarding the kingdom of heaven, comparing it to a wedding feast that a king gave for his son. When everything had been prepared, servants were sent out to call those who had been invited to come, but they were unwilling. Not only were they unwilling, but some seized the servants, mistreated them, and even killed them.
Walking In
The Light
One of the last instructions Jesus gave His disciples before He ascended to the right hand of the Father is found in Matthew 28:18-20. He said to them; All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.
Babylon's Counterfeit
Babylon represents the confusing mix of truth and lies that are used by the devil to divert mankind, and in particular Christians, from devotion to Christ. She is the mother of all false religions. Among her many heresies, the most powerfully destructive lies are the ones that most closely resemble the truth. Many victims within Christianity have been seduced by her outward, glittering appeal.
It was during the building of the tower of Babel that God confused the language of the entire world. Those who were building a structure for their own glory were then scattered across the earth. The Bible records this event for us, saying;
The Rising of
The Sons of Dawn
Satan's Fall
This book is part of a series titled “The Rising Of The Sons Of Dawn.” The Lord has recently taken me through multiple teachings regarding His Body’s rising up at the end of this age. Satan has deceptively built into the church many false teachings that are keeping us from entering into our destiny in Christ.
When the Holy Spirit first led me into this study, He began by revealing the truth concerning Satan’s creation. It soon developed into much more, including the truth of his eventual downfall from heaven.