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Full, Undivided Consecration


If I know my heavenly Father's will is good, pleasing and perfect, I'll do anything and go anywhere for Him. Then the sacrifice becomes something wonderful. It is not like being squeezed of something we don't want to give up; it's giving, in loving honor to God, the very best thing we have. God wants us to lay down willingly, our desire for acceptance, approval and endorsement. We must voluntarily lay down our reputation, and be set free from the tyranny of public opinion. Charles Spurgeon – "Give me 12 men, lovers of souls, who fear nothing but sin and love nothing but God – and I will shake London from end to end. The words that changed D L Moody: "the world has yet to see what God will do with one many fully consecrated to Him." Moody thought about it. "The world has yet to see what God will do with one man. Any Man? Doesn't have to have a great education? Any man? Fully consecrated to Him. that was the condition – full consecration to the Lord. He continued to mull it over and finally he concluded, "by the grace of God, I'll be that man!" The issue is full, undivided consecration, which means being dedicated, set apart for God. It involves surrendering our disappointments, hurts and fears, our longings, dreams and aspirations, our finances, health, hobbies, our family, friends, the lot. It includes what we eat, watch, read and value. the list goes on. Holiness encompasses everything!! George Mueller was a man of intercession who saw mind-blowing daily responses to his prayers for provision. One day he was urged to share what he considered to be the power behind his ministry. There was a day, he said, "when I utterly died". "I died to George Mueller, his opinions, preferences, tastes, and will. I died to the world, its approval or censure. I died to the approval or blame even of my brethren and friends and since then I have studied only to show myself approved of God." this is something to aspire to: that above all, God would approve of our lives acted out before Him as we live only for the applause of nail-scarred hands. He's inviting me to total surrender. Will I abandon everything to Jesus? All through history He has chosen to use nobodies [see 2 Cor. 12:11 in NAS] because their unusual dependence on Him makes possible the unique display of His power and grace.

Dear God: I am no longer my own, but Yours Put me to what You will Rank me with whomever You will Put me to suffering Let me be employed for You, Or laid aside for You Exalted for You Or brought low for You Let me be full Let me be empty let me have all things let me have nothing and now, O Father You are mine and I am Yours So be it. and the covenant I am making on earth Let it be ratified in heaven


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